Our health begins with the dirt beneath our feet

We love to take care of our bodies. In today’s world, there are so many diets, lifestyles, and exercise equipment and gadgets that it’s hard to keep up with the newest health trends. While some health lifestyles are more questionable than others, it’s wonderful that many people in today’s society are making efforts to take care of their bodies. But our physical well being isn’t the only important thing we should be taking care of. God created this beautiful earth for us to both enjoy and to protect—and that protection starts with the dirt beneath our feet.

Soil is life. All our produce comes from the soil, and this produce is what keeps our bodies alive. Without clean and healthy soil we wouldn’t have the sustenance needed to live the healthy lifestyles we strive for, or even feed the billions of people on this earth. With all the controversies today regarding pipelines and sustainability efforts in general, it’s so important that we educate ourselves on best practices to help keep the earth beautiful and truly sustainable. Here are a couple of ways you can do your part by keeping the soil healthy.

Add Earthworms

I know it might sound strange, but adding earthworms to your soil has its benefits to soil health. Earthworms actually help the soil’s ability to absorb nutrients.  How fun would that be to add some earthworms to the soil at your own home and illustrate how the squirmy little creatures are big helpers!

Grow Your Own

Go as local as your backyard or even patio. An herb or vegetable garden—or even a flower pot with your favorites —is fun and sustainable way to get some of your produce. You can use these as a teaching tool to have fun with the kids and learn about farming and soil health together. And as a farmer myself, I can attest that a meal made from food you’ve grown is the most rewarding meal to eat.

Some great articles on soil health and how you can make a difference

“The Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden to cultivate and keep it” – Genesis 2:15

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